Archive for May, 2012

Wanted: Everyday Visionaries

We need that guy in his garage working late into the night to come up with the next new technology. The guy who will start a new industry, employ hundreds, and generate millions in revenue. We need an army of them and fewer large corporations.

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Continue Reading May 30, 2012 at 11:24 am Leave a comment

Today is Not a Good Day

Suffering loss is never fun. Whether it be a job, an opportunity, or someone you love, loss sucks. Believe me I know. Seven years ago today, May 23rd, I lost my first wife in a horrific car accident just blocks from our home. A little over a year later I lost my job of six years. So I know about loss. It can devastate you or make you stronger. It’s all in how you handle it.

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Continue Reading May 23, 2012 at 8:56 am Leave a comment

Forgiveness VS Acceptance: What Works Best for You?

Growing up I heard a lot about forgiveness, forgive and forgetting, how hard it is, etc. It’s been a topic of many, many church sermons, books and lectures. You’ve heard the terms, forgive and let go is a popular one. So does forgiveness work? How about acceptance? How does it figure in? I’ve wrestled with these questions most of my six decades from trying to forgive myself for things done wrong to coming to grips with my alcoholic Dad.

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Continue Reading May 14, 2012 at 9:54 am 4 comments

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May 2012


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